Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chapters 28: Age of Anxiety

Totalitarianism in Europe:

-->Germany (Adolf Hitler) - censorship, persecution, one-party (Nazi) rule, used Gestapo
--> Russia (Joseph Stalin) - censorship, dictatorship, used secret police
--> Italy (Benito Mussolini) - censorship, economic control, major propaganda, OVRA

People of the Time:

-->Guglielmo Marconi - inventor of radio telegraph system
-->Marie Curie - chemist and physicist, won Nobel Prize twice
-->Albert Einstein - one of the greatest scientists of all time (theory of matter and energy, atomic bomb, etc.)
-->Ernest Rutherford - major physicist, split the atom
-->Charles Dawes - creator of the Dawes Plan to circulate international payment
-->Charles Lindbergh - flew the first nonstop flight from New York City to Paris, France on the Spirit of St. Louis
-->Pablo Picasso - one of the great artists of the era, inventor of cubism
-->Igor Stravinsky - considered the 20th century's most influential musical composer
-->Virginia Woolf - author, used stream-of-conciousness technique
-->William Faulkner - author, another proponent of the stream-of-consciousness technique
-->Charlie Chaplin - actor of the time whose comedy added a relief to the war-stressed citizens

Short Timeline of the Great Depression:

(1929) Stock market crashes: loans, panic, and unemployment skyrocket
(1932) U.S. President FDR creates the New Deal to reconstruct the American capitalist system
(1937) "I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished." -FDR's second inaugural speech
(1939) Recovery considered to be established

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