Friday, May 16, 2008

Chapter 31 Illustrated

Everyone knows what this is a picture of. The al-Qaeda attacks on
the New York City World Trade Centers have become a well-known image in the mind of every American (and the majority of non-Americans, whether they like us or hate us). These two crumbling buildings show just how vulnerable we were, and that "they got us." However, this event did not only destroy; it also rebuilt. Americans united over this tragedy, and resolved that it would never happen again.

Genocide has occurred since the beginning of time. Some people are wishy-washy in their belief of it when it comes to certain incidents; however, a few instances should stand out in every mind when breaching this subject. One of these is the Holocaust. Another is the Darfur region of Sudan. Finally, yet another is the mass murder in Srebrenica, Bosnia. In the 1990s, Serbia led a campaign of violence and ethnic cleansing against the Muslim Bosnians and Croats, and all others who interfered. This picture shows a bullet-shattered building, and really portrays the destruction caused by hatred.

This image portrays Lech Walesa, leader of the revolutionary Solidarity group in Poland, leading his followers through the streets of Warsaw. I really like this picture, because it is of one of the revolutions in history that actually lead to something better for the people. It immediately made me think of Juan and Eva Peron, leading their "movement of the workers" and then become dictators of Argentina; which, of course, made me admire Lech Walesa that much more. I also think it's really interesting that he was good friends and cohorts with our former pope. I love connections through history, and watching unlikely lives intertwine in what is sometimes unfathomable ways.

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